Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is a court-ordered financial arrangement between two ex-spouses as a condition of their divorce agreement. The intent is to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a standard of living similar to the one they grew accustomed to during the tenure of their marriage. To secure a fair arrangement that meets the needs of both spouses, a Glendale, AZ, spousal support lawyer can step in to help.
At Lazenby Law Firm, we understand how distressing it can feel for both parties involved in spousal support discussions. The paying spouse might be worried about being taken advantage of, while the lower-earning spouse might be worried they won’t have enough financial support to take care of their basic necessities. Regardless of which party you are in this scenario, we can help level the playing field and secure a fair arrangement that meets both spouses’ needs.
There are many different factors that can play a contributing role in a final spousal support arrangement. Understanding how these components work together is crucial for anyone going through this process.
Some of the most influential factors include:
One of the most influential factors in spousal support decisions is the duration of the marriage. The longer a couple has been together, the more likely the court will issue spousal support. While temporary support is most frequently issued to shorter marriages, longer marriages have a better chance of qualifying for permanent payments. The length of marriage alone can greatly determine how long one spouse is entitled to financial assistance after the divorce.
The court will also assess each party’s earning capacity and financial needs. In instances where one spouse left their career for several months or years to support the family’s needs, their ability to earn a living can be much more limited than the breadwinner of the household. When a disparity like this exists, the court can issue a spousal support arrangement to help close the financial gap.
In special circumstances where one spouse has been a victim of a severe injury or is experiencing a deep level of financial hardship like bankruptcy, the court can interject and adjust spousal support payments to help both parties adapt to these challenges. The severity of the issue could dramatically impact the amount and duration of spousal payments. For example, a spouse who is injured and unable to work for a long time might struggle to fund support payments.
If either party in a divorced couple has spent time serving in the military, it can impact the final spousal support agreement. This is especially true in cases where a spouse has received military benefits or a pension. The funds that come directly from these sources can be factored into the total financial resources available to both parties. Ultimately, this could reduce the need for a spouse to receive alimony payments.
It’s not unreasonable for life circumstances to change. When this happens, so might the need to adjust spousal support payments. Modification requests can occur when there is a change in salary, a spouse remarries, or a spouse relocates to a new city with a different cost of living. When something like this happens, an experienced spousal support lawyer can help to file for a modification and ensure the request is legally sound and justified. This can maximize your odds of having the modification request approved.
By working with a family lawyer knowledgeable in spousal support, you can ensure you cover all the necessary factors that lead to a fair and equitable agreement. The attorneys at Lazenby Law Firm have the experience you need.
A: Arizona’s average spousal support payment is difficult to determine as each divorce is unique and can vary greatly based on the specific details of each case. There is no fixed “average” payment, as the courts will likely use details like how long a couple was married or each spouse’s earning potential to calculate their own unique payment amount and duration. A general rule to keep in mind is that longer marriages or those with significant salary differences are the most likely to be issued alimony payments.
A: A spouse is likely to qualify for spousal support in Arizona if they meet a number of different financial or lifestyle factors. Key factors include whether the spouse who is requesting support lacks the resources or capacity to support themselves independently. Spouses who sacrificed their careers to raise children or are not being awarded the family home are two examples where spousal support is highly likely to be issued.
A: The duration of spousal support payments in Glendale, Arizona can be influenced by how long a couple was married and how long the lower-earning spouse will need the extra financial support. For example, the court might issue a temporary arrangement to give the lower-earning spouse enough time to secure a new job and afford their own housing. If an original permanent order was issued, a spouse can file for a modification when both spouses become self-sufficient.
A: As soon as a spouse who has been receiving alimony payments remarries, the arrangement can be terminated. This is because the receiving spouse may now have a new source of financial support with their new partner, which makes it unnecessary for their ex-spouse to continue making these payments. It is crucial to notify the court in the event of a remarriage to prevent any overpayments or new disputes from arising.
While navigating spousal support decisions can be overwhelming, you don’t have to go through the process alone as our Glendale, AZ Spousal Support Lawyer are there for you. Contact the attorneys at Lazenby Law Firm today to learn more about our personalized legal assistance and commitment to securing the type of arrangement you are looking for.
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